In large part I haven't looked at my peers blogs until now. Sorry guys. I was surprised by some things and expected others. One of the unexpected treats I saw tonight was on Megan's blog. Technological mediums such as blogger are inherently different than just writing and Megan took hold of this fact through formatting. She very successfully added color, font size changes, and line justifications in ways that I had never thought of to bring attention to certain parts of her post and also to just spice it up, making it easier to read. In particular I am talking about her post on assisting technologies. She changes the color of each paragraph, makes the section headings bigger, and sends each paragraph to the opposing justification. It was refreshing to see such creativity thrown into the rather bland world of times new roman size 12 text.
It was also nice to see that so many of us have decided already to add technology such as a wiki into our classrooms for the benefit of ourselves, our students and their parents. Dealing with students parents is one of the things that I am most dreading of my work and offering this high tech communication tool will be a boon when dealing with them. I was glad to see that so many of my classmates were considering the same thing.
I was also informed a bit tonight by some of my colleagues own trepidations towards using tech in the class. I had not thought of the concerns Melissa brought up when she mentioned that many students would not want the entire class reading their work on-line. I think that might have to be something to gauge the students on. When I went to high school that is certainly not something I would have enjoyed but that was a different time. Students now are probably so used to posting things on-line that they would not be affected by it. It is however definitely something to test the waters on so that no-one is pushed out or made to feel uncomfortable.
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